Bugsnag is a cross platform error monitoring system that detects and helps you diagnose crashes in your applications.
This integration gives your team the ability to be notified in a Slack channel when the first exception of a new type occurs, when any exception occurs, when a previously resolved error re-occurs, and when an exception occurs frequently.
Alternatives toBugsnag
Bugsnag is listed in:Testing
API performance monitoring, testing, and debugging.
Trigger automated monkey tests of your website straight from slack!
Automated UI Testing & Monitoring
Finally, your GitHub Issues in Slack!
Easily QA test your webapp in multiple browsers.
One-stop shop tool for app distribution, monitoring and user feedback.
Slack bot for cross-browser testing & fixes
Send ticket creation/update notifications to a channel.
PractiTest test management improves your testing control with real-time updates
Collect feedback & track bugs in your browser.