Automated connections between web services.


IFTTT is a service that allows you to connect various web applications using a conditional statement: if this then that. This integration will let you connect Slack to an IFTTT action.

Alternatives to IFTTT

IFTTT is listed in: Connect to anything

Automate tasks between other online services.
Bring the best services to your favorite messaging apps
Chat with Salesforce, Github, Mailchimp, Zendesk and 100 other apps.
Connect any API data to Slack
Connect your cloud apps together into automated workflows.
Drag, Drop, and Connect The Services You Love.
Stay up to date with all your online metrics 😄
Connect Slack to your enterprise apps and workflows.
Pluga allows you to make awesome integrations between apps that you've already used!
Automate workflow and tasks for teams
Slackreview.com reviews applications which integrate with Slack, and is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.