AboutZOMG Memes!
Allows in-channel creation of memes using the /meme command.
Supports creating memes by:
1. image search, e.g. /meme cute kitten | omg | kittens!
2. image urls, e.g. /meme https://kittens.com/cute.jpg | kittens | such cute
3. templated memes, e.g. /meme y u no install slacky?
4. animated memes e.g. /meme :anim gandalf vs balrog | you shall not | pass!
Supports image searching by:
1. normal search e.g. /img gandalf vs balrog
2. animated search e.g. /img :anim gandalf vs balrog
More features will be added over time!
Alternatives toZOMG Memes!
ZOMG Memes! is listed in:GIFs
An online library of animated GIFs
Choose and share the perfect GIF. Caption your favorites.
Spice up your team conversation with memes!
A directory of the best custom slack emojis
Find the best emoji to express anything!
Find short video clips for movies, tv and music by quotes
Create a webcam-generated custom gif for any slack channel
Spice up your team conversations with memes
Liven your chats with stickers!
Quickest way to share bugs, ideas, links or gifs to Slack
A search engine of animated gifs
Share your typr.club gifs in your Slack channels super easy
Up your emoji game with stickers!
An ASCII art bot for your Slack team
Paint emojis in Slack (and elsewhere) 😊🎨✨